What is Going on Out There...
Beyond the halls of a school beyond and outside the borders of school districts, there is a global conversation happening. Leaders, thinkers, and doers from everywhere are talking about the current state of education. Two amazing things about these conversations: (1) They have been happening for almost 20 years; (2) They are not talking about standards, bell schedules, instructional minutes, evaluations, or grading. There has been a global movement to bring crucial elements into our schools.
Below are some of the conversations, keynotes, and though provoking materials that INSPIRED me to change the way I taught, nearly ten years ago. I hope that they help you reflect and change, too.
Sir Ken Robinson |
Alan November
Flip Your Thinking"Change the way people learn". It isn't about technology, it IS about pedagogy.
Are You Adding Value?Information is ubiquitous. They don't need teachers to dispense knowledge. So how are you adding value to students' education?
Is Technology Transforming Learning?Using his Transformation Six questions, you can determine if your use of technology is REALLY changing teaching & Learning.